It is best to get a system before you bring your bundle of joy home from the hospital set. In this way, no chance of odors in your home roots. If you can not do it now, will change much easier, and is home to smell a lot better.
1: Determine your preferences layers: fabric, disposable, or a combination of both.
Use the type of layers you choose, you need different types of containers. For example, if you plan to use disposable, so you must have a very tightly closed container, where the smell of diapers can not escape before emptied. There are commercial products on the market such as engineering layer, but you can also use other containers, which are more discreet. Remember, the tightness of the cover is more important than anything else.
A sealed container of some kind will be needed for cloth diapers. The file contains the smell until you wash to get around it, which may not always immediately with a new baby in the house.
2: The frequency with which the containers are emptied more often thought.
How often you are likely to empty the container layer of the house there are several areas where containers should be placed. For example, if you make sure the container is emptied every day and every day, even the control of the kitchen garbage, you can put the container next to the diaper bin.
A container for cloth diapers is so often in the laundry room or space in the neighborhood set, it is convenient when you are ready, they must be washed, but you have seriously thought about the size of the container is required. There is nothing worse than to underestimate, because you do not realize how many layers can be dirty in one afternoon!
3: Where do you think will change the baby most of the time?
Consider a smaller diaper pail or some sort of temporary storage areas in the house, which is usually change stations. This allows you to change a baby and relax rather than get up and running just after the layer on the main house in the bucket.
If you also need a supply of all deliveries will keep your diaper pail or clean container. You do not want their pockets at the wrong time, so Playtex Diaper Genie will come to the rescue ^_^
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