What is a "Diaper Pail"?
In a given day, especially while your child is a newborn, there is a good chance that you will be changing anywhere from 8-15 poop-filled diapers per day. In some cases, there are absolute blow-outs that require you to not only change one diaper, but perhaps multiple diapers in one changing session. The big question is...where do you put the diaper and the nasty wet wipe after you've changed it? There are a few things you could do with it I suppose...
- Throw it out the window and then consolidate them into one bag on garbage day. This doesn't work well especially for the aesthetics of your house, your neighbor's opinion of you, as well as the hassle of picking up the diapers on dreaded garbage day.
- Throw it in an open garbage can in your baby's nursery. This one works well from a convenience standpoint, but you may find that you'll be waking up in the middle of the night thinking that your house smells like a zoo - which in this case would require you to move the garbage out to the garage, or better yet, outside.
- Purchase a Diaper Pail! These devices sit wherever you are planning on changing your child. They are like a prison for your diapers, where not even a hint of a smell would be able to escape. All depositories are not equal, and that is exactly why this article just had to be written.
Things to look out for in a Diaper Pail
If you're about to purchase one of these diaper pails, you should most likely know what exactly to look for. Regardless of the below list, as mentioned above, there is still only ONE way to go, and that is the Diaper Genie II system. You may read on other sites that there are other things to look out for, but coming from a recent new father, there is no need to bother with anything else - trust me, I've tried!
- Keeps odors contained: most all systems out there do a fairly decent job of keeping odor contained - after all, that is why they exist in the first place. That being said, I wouldn't worry too much about this requirement.
- Easy to change the diaper liner: this is by far the most important consideration when purchasing a diaper pail. There are many different opinions on this one. Some diaper pails tout the fact that they can use any standard garbage bag whereas others require a specific diaper liner refill cartridge. You will find out below that although it seems nice to be able to use regular garbage bags, the actual diaper pails that offer this luxury are not user friendly enough to make this a strong selling point.
- Ease of Use: this is the second most critical consideration when purchasing a diaper pail. Of course you want an easy to use operation - there is no point in having to fumble around with little diaper bombs in the middle of the dark and running the risk of things exploding on your nursery floor. There are different methods of actually disposing of the diapers. The first method is actually pushing the diaper through a hole, past somewhat of a clamp. The other method is placing the diaper in a hole then moving a handle to push the diaper down into the pail. The clear recommendation here is the actual pushing of the diaper down into the pail - as I have found that is the only way to actually guarantee that the diaper has been successfully compacted into the system.
- Maximum Storage Capacity: if you don't feel like changing the diaper liner every day, you may want to look for a diaper pail that actually can store quite a few soggy diapers. This one actually goes hand in hand with the one above it. Think about it, if you are pushing the diapers through a hole and past a clamp, then you are compressing the diapers down with each entry into the pail. If you are just placing the diaper into a hole then rotating a level down to dispose of it, there is a good chance that when you have reached any kind of capacity that the pail will actually get stuck.
- Optional: Hands-free Foot Pedal: this one might be worth a few extra dollars. Imagine you are in the middle of the night, your hands are full - one hand with a baby, and the other hand with a diaper. There are some systems that offer a foot pedal that opens the lid up for you. Absolutely not required, but a nice feature if your hands are not available
And remember this is sourced from ezinearticle.com.
Our Top Pick: The Playtex Diaper Genie II - Elite
- Keeps Odors Contained | Score: 10 | This diaper pail does an excellent job of keeping odors contained so they are not reeking up your house. First of all, when you open up that lid, there is a clamp immediately under the lid that blocks all of the odors. Second, when you go to change the liner once it is full of dirty diapers, there is hardly ever a point where you are dealing with an open bag of exposed diapers. See refill section below for more details on this.
- Easy to Change the Diaper Liner | Score: 9 | Changing the liner on the Diaper Genie is relatively simple. There is a refill cartridge that you place on the top of your unit, pull the bag through a hole, and then tie a knot. The best part about this pail is that when changing the liner, it has a built in bag cutter so that you almost never have to expose the diapers to the air...you can simply cut the bag off, and tie it shut immediately.
- Ease of Use | Score: 9 | Using the Diaper Genie is fairly simple. To insert a diaper into, you open the lid, and push the diaper through a hole and past a clamp. Once it is pushed through the clamp, the diaper is sealed off from the rest of the world. You typically know when it is full when it is hard to push the diaper through the clamp. The good news is that you can potentially fit more diapers in this unit because you can physically force the diapers down into each other, thus making more space.
- Maximum Storage Capacity | Score: 8 | As mentioned above, the Diaper Genie is unique because you are actually pushing the diapers down every time you use the unit. That being said, you are compacting the diapers so you can fit more into it. I find that I generally would change the diaper genie once every 4 days; therefore I squeeze about 50 diapers in there before I elect to change it.
- Optional: Hands-Free Foot Pedal | Score: 8 | This isn't an absolute requirement in diaper pails; however, that one time where both of your hands are full in the middle of the night and you can't quite bend down to reach the lid - it might be well worth the few extra bucks.
So get ready to purchase Playtex Diaper Genie now.
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